Sunday, March 5, 2017

How do I find A Boyfriend in Vancouver? Original question on Quora

This is the big question in Vancouver! Brad is so right that you have to be friendly and talk to people all the time, and not just guys you might be interested in dating. The happier you appear and the more receptive you are to meeting new people, the more you will be noticed.

Vancouver is a transient place and can feel very isolating at times, but you can break through with a little effort. I agree with John that meetup groups in Vancouver are a great place to socialize. I belong to a few myself and also run my own group as well.

The big trick is not to fall into the trap that many men & women do in this city by complaining how hard it is to meet someone here. If everyone changed up their attitude and said hi to one another, things would turn around in the dating scene. Keep smiling and don’t get frustrated. Believe in love and you will find it. <3 Susan McCord The Dear Sybersue Talk Show

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